Born in Denmark 1950.
Education: Typographer 1966-70, Nysted Bogtrykkeri.
Education: Graphic artist and designer 1974-78, Skolen for Brugskunst (now The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts).
Additional art-courses by Erik Nyholm, Julius Wederkinch, Jes Fomsgaard and others.
First exhibithion 1970.
Solo and group exhibithions in Denmark, Sweden and Germany − at galleries, art fairs, censored exhibitions etc.
Has received a few grants and awards for art as well as design.
Member of Grafisk Værksted, Næstved.
Represented by: Galleri Hera, Stockholm + Galleri 5000, Odense.
"Lost in creating - curiousity and restlessness is part of my drive"